Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The True Vine

Today, I ate lunch with my dear friend Rusty at the Waffle House. If you have ever eaten there, then I shouldn't have to tell you how cold they keep the temperature. Anyway, poor Rusty almost froze to death. It occured to me as I looked across the table at him and noticed that he was shivering. Rusty is suffering because of me. I asked him if he wanted to go eat somewhere else, but he said no, this is just fine. I beleive that If I had not told him earlier that I really wanted to eat there, then he would have gladly gotten up to leave. Thanks Rusty for suffering so that I might enjoy my lunch.

This brings to mind a passage of scripture (John 15:1-17). This passage of scripture is about remaining in Jesus the "true vine". If we remain in Jesus, he will remain in us, and we will bear much fruit. You see Rusty was living this out through his unselfish act of kindness (or his fruit). No matter how small or insignificant you think your acts of kindness (fruit) are. I can assure you that through Gods eyes they are no small acts. As Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, ...Just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me. You see, acts of kindness directed towards your brothers and sisters in Christ, are in fact doing it unto Christ.

Who is the body of Christ? We are!!! I know this seems like an elementary question, however it would serve us well to ask it every now and again. We need to be reminded that we are the embodiment of Christ on this earth. We are the ones that will share the love of Jesus to everyone we come in contact with. Sometimes this love will look like mowing the grass of your elderly friend that can't do it for himself. Other times this love will look like, going out of your way to shake the hand of the person that has been talking about you. The first scenario is representative of the way we share love to our brothers and sisters and in actuality are loving Jesus. The second scenario is how we share love with our enemies and through it are bearing witness to the love of Jesus.

(John 15:12-14) My commandment is this — to love one another just as I have loved you.
No one has greater love than this — that one lays down his life for his friends.
You are my friends if you do what I command you.

I believe that this fruit that he is talking about in this passage, this fruit that will remain, is love. And to be more specific, love for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

In summary, as we remain in the vine, which is Jesus, these fruits(love) will be present in our lives. This fruit (love) will show that we are his disciples (John 15:8).

I pray that as we examine ourselves today, that we find ourselves bearing fruit in theTrue Vine. Fruit that will remain. Amen

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